My profile


External examiner roles

I have just completed 5 years as external examiner on a childhood studies degree at Wolverhampton Univeristy.

I am currently an external examiner for a post graduate early years teacher course at the University of Sunderland.


Why do I teach?

Having been a primary school teacher for a number of years before moving into higher education, teaching has always been something which I have enjoyed professionally and personally.

How I’ll teach you

I want my teaching sessions to be interactive. I do not want to talk ‘at’ students, and greatly appreciate it when students participate in discussions and get involved. I believe very strongly that students get much more out of teaching sessions if they join in rather than choosing to sit back and let others do the talking.

Why study…

The early years of a child’s life are fascinating; the development that takes place, whether it be physical, cognitive, emotional and so on, is of great interest to me.

I am particularly interested in the affects of technology on children today and how this impacts their every day lives.

Subject areas

Early Years