My profile


I bring expertise in research, management, editorial, and learning and development within corporate, education, and non-profit/NGO sectors. I support highly active people and teams end-to-end to produce quality content, experiences, and outcomes, against deadlines. As a research methodologist, I leverage quantitative data and qualitative approaches to help design, develop, execute, evaluate, and enable iterative processes for long-term goals. As an EDI&B subject specialist, I bring expertise in policy, practice, and theories of social, tech, and eco-justice. Recognized for “doing difference differently”, I have earned promotions, awards, and funding in every role, including over $800,000 from the National Science Foundation for diversifying STEM education and careers. Broadly, I aim to enable problem solvers for more just and sustainable futures. I research and write about institutions, ed and career futures, and AGI. I enjoy walking Alaska, the family dog, and practicing and teaching yoga. An empty nester in summer 2022, I currently live in Manchester, UK, but plan to be more mobile soon. I have lived and worked in four countries and four US states. As an adoptee of color with uncertain origins, and a queer woman married to cisgender man, I could never imagine security in any particular difference or place. Tellingly, when my son was younger, he read a book about a homesick boy and asked me, “Can a house be sick?” To him, “homesick” as a concept did not make sense. He had learned “home” as a verb, always in-the-making, not a fixed place. Similarly, I am a systems-thinker, complicit in the shared incompleteness that is always on the move—improvising.

Steph climbing in Big Bear California

Interests and expertise

Ph.D., Social and Cultural Foundations of Education, School of Policy and Leadership

Cognates: anthropology of policy practice, research methodology (qualitative/mixed), difference, higher education, and comparative and international studies (primary areas: Americas, Colombia)

Dissertation: Local responses to globalizaton: policy, curricula, and student cultural productions at a Colombian public university

Stephanie Lynn Daza (2006) Local responses to globalizing trends: student-produced materials at a Colombian public university, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 19:5, 553-571, DOI: 10.1080/09518390600886338

M.A., Cultural Studies

Teaching Credentials (in UK PGCEs): English (7-12), Bilingual/Multicultural (K-12), Cross-cultural language development (CLAD), Language Development Specialist (LDS)

B.A., English Literature, Magna Cum Laude. Minor: Religion.  Early university experience in Musical Theatre, Media/TV Production. 

In addition to academic degrees, Steph is a trained group facilitator since 1995 (San Diego County Office of Education), experienced co-counselor since 2008, and a long-time yoga/meditation practitioner/teacher since the early 90s. She has studied with Esak Garcia, first World Asana Champion, and in 2023, she will train with Gianna Purcell, a US National Yoga Asana Champion.

Latest news

Not surprisingly, those exposing the ‘‘the permissible narratives that constitute material cultures’’ are overpoliticized and positioned as relics, ideologues, or irrelevant nonsense under neoliberal scientism’s model of education. Many suggest that the North/West academy and mainstream media are themselves subject and agents of neoliberalism. ...First, the theoretical is not separate from practice, and, second, worlding, however strong, is contaminated and incomplete. While a global trend, neoliberal scientism impacts local contexts and actors in different and uneven ways. Zealous attempts to control teaching and teacher education in the United States and elsewhere mark just how unruly teaching and teacher education are. To put it in a Spivakian way, if life was not endlessly exceeding the present, it would be locked down tight.
excerpted from Daza, S. L. (2013), Putting Spivakian Theorizing to Work: Decolonizing Neoliberal Scientism in Education. Educational Theory, 63: 601-620.


Earned competitive funding and worked collectively to build sustainable infrastructure (offices, degrees, courses) from the ground up, impacting thousands of students at multiple institutions, including Sexuality Studies, Latin@ Studies/Ethnic Studies, and The Office of New Diversity Initiatives/Multicultural Center at Ohio State; Eco-justice Courses at UTA taken by 1000s of students; and the Steering Committee at MMU developing a new Researc Centre for the Study of Race and Racism.

Co-designed umbrella project as Co-I of two multi-year NSF grants (over $800,000); model recognized by NSF; grants continue to be funded a decade after the orginal funded projects.

Co-founded (and co-chaired) Postcolonial Studies in Education (SIG AERA, early 2000s) as a field in Education and ahead of the ethical-turn in Education and Social Research.

Sustained successful research collective for over 20 years, including wide transnational network. 

Special recognition by US Peace Corps for Service during major Earthquake, including locally-led international development during disaster. 


  • non-coerced rearrangement of desire for ethics not in advance
  • Why the Kantian idea of bodily autonomy underpinning liberal democracies is a fundamental problem to erosion and how non/academic and policy/law perspectives on bodily autonomy from both the right and left conflic and overlap
  • algorithmic reason 


At MMU, I have taught and directed the MRes, led the Theory & Phil Unit for PGRECS, and taught on the Ed Studies and Education and Psychology Programme in the Child Youth and Education Studies Department, as well as Research Design on the MA in Social Research. I also teach and support doctorial training and the research culture in ESRI through presentations, leading reading/discussion groups, and other scholarly activities.

Courses/Units (indicative) 

Research Theory and Methodology

Research Design

Social and Ecojustice

Diversity and many variations of DEIB course

Curriculum and Instruction (English, History, Social Studies, Reading)

Ethics and Policy

Sexualities and Education

Introduction to Latino/a Studies

Social Foundations and Education Studies

Snapshot of Higher Education Courses Developed and Taught

15 course preparations (6 UTA; 3 EMU; 6 MMU)

3 major online course revisions for WebCT and redevelopment for Blackboard (EDUC 5310, 5314, 5329) 

2 new Unit module developments (MMU)

Research Design

1 new course development for UTA Academic Partnership (EDUC 5380)

1 new course development for Sexuality Studies (OSU)

1 new course for Latino/a, Ethnic Studies (OSU)

1 Summer Bridge Writing Course for incoming undergraduates (foundations) (OSU)

1 course redevelopment as Writing-across-the-curriculum (university-wide) through university input system (EMU; SOFD 328)

3 Six-week summer workshops for STEM teachers (NSF RET grant)


Mentored two doc applicants to win highly competitive PhD studentships; one international, one White Rose

2 PhDs (UTA; Purdue) and 1 EdDoc completion at MMU (all gainfully employed).

Also, mentored MA student dissertation award winner at MMU

Research outputs


Solicited over $2.5M and earned over $1M. While at MMU, I earned £15,500 from AESA for editorship; £22,500 as PI of a GCRF QR funded transnational networking project (2018), resulting in a week workshop with 20 participants representing 18 different governmental and NGOs from 9 countries; and £4000 internally as PI on research grant ‘Exploring the Impact of Research as Pedagogy on University Strategic Initiatives to Enhance Student Experience, Employability and Internationalisation’(2015-16), from MMU Centre for Learning and Teaching Scholarship, resulting in MMU undergraduate student conference, CELT T&L festival presentation; and BESA conference presentation with three undergraduate students.

My unfunded bids usually receive positive reviews and are sometimes recommended for funding even if not funded. Recent examples include three competitive ESRC bids which I led/wrote and received largely positive reviews (e.g., ‘Right to Breathe: How Can Higher Education Respond to New Diverse Collectives’ Challenging Anti-Black Racism, a Covid19 Risk-Factor?’ for UKRI Agile Research and Innovation Response to COVID-19, £519,985). Most recently, I co-wrote with Prof. Farida Vis and the graduate school a £387,772.71 (unfunded) Office for Students bid (w/ £425,072.31 in match-funding from MMU for 8 PGT and PGR studentships) aimed at improving PG access and participation for black, Asian and minority ethnic groups called ‘Building the Creative Manchester Pipeline: Transforming Access, Experience, and Career Progression of BAME PGR Students’.

Developing multimedia with Project Ilumina. Podcast, newsletter/substack coming soon.

upcoming podcast media
  • Books (authored/edited/special issues)

  • Chapters in books

    Curley, S. 'The Ascent of Algorithmic Reason: Onto-epistemology in the Vanishing Present of Humanism.' In Tierney, R., Rizvi, F., Ercikan, K., Smith, G., Coloma, R.S., Rhee, J.E. (ed.) International Encyclopedia of Education 4e. Elsevier.,

    Curley, S., Rhee, J.E., Subedi, B., Subreenduth, S. (2018) 'Activism as/in/for Global Citizenship: Putting Un-Learning to Work towards Educating the Future..' The Palgrave Handbook of Global Citizenship and Education. UK: Palgrave Macmillan,

    Childers, S.M., Rhee, J.E., Daza, S.L. (2016) 'Introduction: Promiscuous (use of) feminist methodologies: The dirty theory and messy practice of educational research beyond gender.' pp. 1-17.

    Daza, S.L. (2016) 'A promiscuous (feminist) look at grant-science: How colliding imaginaries shape the practice of NSF policy.' Promiscuous Feminist Methodologies in Education: Engaging Research Beyond Gender. pp. 74-92.

    Daza, S., Subreenduth, S., Rhee, J.E., Proctor, M. (2015) 'Funding Re/De/Form in Higher Education: Diverse Points of Engagement.' In Sturges, K. (ed.) Neoliberalizing Educational Reform. Rotterdam; Netherlands;Taiwan; USA: Sense Publishers, pp. 149-182.

    Daza, S. (2009) 'The noninnocence of recognition: subjects and agency in education.' Postcolonial challenges in education.

    Daza, S. (2007) 'Student Activism (Latin American). In Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice..' In Anderson, G., Herr, K.G. (ed.) Thousand Oaks, CA:

  • Reports

    Curley, S. QR Global Challenges Research Fund 2017/18 – Reporting.

  • Journal articles

    Rhee, J.E., Curley, S., Subreenduth, S. (2018) 'Un/learning Habituation of Body-Mind Binary through the Teaching/Learning Body/Mind.' The Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning, 23(1) pp. 118-137.

    Daza, S., Coloma, R.S., Rhee, J., Subedi, B., Subreenduth, S. (2015) 'New Editors’ Vision Statement.' Educational Studies: A Journal of the American Educational Studies Association, 51(1) pp. 1-2.

    Daza, S., Gershon, W.S. (2015) 'Beyond Ocular Inquiry: Sound, Silence, and Sonification (20th Anniversary Issue of Qualitative Inquiry).' Qualitative Inquiry, 21(7) pp. 639-644.

    Daza, S.L., Tuck, E. (2014) 'De/colonizing, (Post)(Anti)Colonial, and Indigenous Education, Studies, and Theories.' Educational Studies, 50(4) pp. 307-312.

    Daza, S.L., Huckaby, M.F. (2014) 'Terra Incognita: Em-Bodied Data Analysis.' Qualitative Inquiry, 20(6) pp. 801-810.

    Coloma, R.S., Daza, S.L., Rhee, J., Subedi, B., Subreenduth, S. (2013) 'Decolonizing Local/Global Formations: Educational Theory in the Era of Neoliberalism.' Educational Theory, 63(6) pp. 559-560.

    Daza, S.L. (2013) 'Putting Spivakian theorizing to work: decolonizing neoliberal scientism in education.' Educational theory, 63(6) pp. 601-620..

    Childers, S.M., Rhee, J.E., Daza, S.L. (2013) 'Promiscuous (use of) feminist methodologies: The dirty theory and messy practice of educational research beyond gender.' International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 26(5) pp. 507-523.

    Daza, S.L. (2013) 'A promiscuous (feminist) look at grant-science: How colliding imaginaries shape the practice of NSF policy.' International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 26(5) pp. 580-598.

    Daza, S.L. (2013) 'Reading Texts, Subtexts, and Contexts: Effects of (Post) Colonial Legacies in/on Curricular Texts in Different Contexts..' Qualitative Research in Education (2014-6418), 2(3)

    Daza, S. (2013) 'STEM Culture and the Real STEM Crisis. In Focus Feature..' Anthropology News., (Science)

    Daza, S.L., Rhee, J. (2013) 'A Review of “Ecojustice Education: Toward Diverse, Democratic, and Sustainable Communities” Martusewicz, RA, J. Edmondson, and J. Lupinacci, New York: Routledge, 2011. 33 pp. $47.95..' Educational Studies, 49(5) pp. 465-470.

    Daza, S.L., Rhee, J. (2013) 'A Review of “Ecojustice Education: Toward Diverse, Democratic, and Sustainable Communities”.'

    Daza, S.L. (2013) 'Storytelling as methodology: Colombia’s social studies textbooks after La Constitución de 1991.' Qualitative research in education, 2(3) pp. 242-276..

    Daza, S.L. (2012) 'Complicity as Infiltration: The (Im)possibilities of Research With/in NSF Engineering Grants in the Age of Neoliberal Scientism.' Qualitative Inquiry, 18(9) pp. 773-786.

    Weatherton, Y.P., Daza, S.L., Pham, V.V. (2011) 'Perceived barriers to participation in engineering: Why underrepresented groups remain underrepresented.' ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings,

    Daza, S.L. (2008) 'Decolonizing researcher authenticity.' Race Ethnicity and Education, 11(1) pp. 71-85.

    Subedi, B., Daza, S.L. (2008) 'The possibilities of postcolonial praxis in education.' Race Ethnicity and Education, 11(1) pp. 1-10.

    Subedi, B., Daza, S.L. (2008) 'Postcolonial Perspectives on Education.'

    Daza, S.L. (2006) 'Local responses to globalizing trends: Student-produced materials at a Colombian public university.' International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 19(5) pp. 553-571.

  • Non-peer reviewed articles / reviews

    Curley, S., Macias, L., Rhee, J.E., Subedi, B., Subreenduth, S. (2019) An Epilogue to Editing.

  • Conference papers

    Weatherton, Y.P., Daza, S.L., Pham, V.V. (2011) 'Perceived barriers to participation in engineering: Why underrepresented groups remain underrepresented.'

  • Theses and dissertations

    Daza, S.L. (2006) Local responses to globalizaton: policy, curricula, and student cultural productions at a Colombian public university.

Career history


Awarded annual Multicultural Center Award at Ohio State for supporting students and scholarship traditionally underrepresented in higher education


Recognized for doing difference differently at UTA


Permanent Contract and Salary Increase for Exceeding Role


Editor-in-Chief, Educational Studies, The Journal of the American Education Studies Association, 2014-19

Introduced collective editorship model

Published 6 issues per year to deadline

Lead editor on 3rd most downloaded (Calderon) article of all time

Lead on 2 “article of the year” award winners (See Bullock and Calderon), and many Special Issues

Unsolicited esteem in print:‘… we say “thank you” to the editors of Educational Studies for their patience, support, and unwavering encouragement. You worked with us in the spirit of generous cooperation that we could all follow as a model’ (Guest editors, 2019, 55.4, p. 375)

Broadened content, readers, pages, prestige

Indexed the journal

Secured sustainability of journal during sea change in academic publishing


After competitve selection process joined Steering Committee developing a new Research Centre for the Study of Race and Racism at MMU

Led on The Right to Breathe 


Founded with long-standing research collective

Press and media

Media appearances or involvement

The Government of Bangladesh, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Primary and Mass Education and Aspire to Innovate (a2i) ICT Division, invited Steph Curley to give inaugural remarks at the Inaugural of Worlds Teachers’ Day-2020, on 5th October, 2020. The event was streamed to over a million people on Facebook live