My profile


After graduating from MMU, I worked for several years as a Primary school teacher, with curriculum responsibilities for Mathematics and Science. I also took on manager roles as a Key Stage 2 phase leader and TA line manager. In 2007 I undertook an Assistant Head position in a large community primary school with particular responsibilities for curriculum development and managing subject leaders. I worked supporting newly qualified teachers and delivered professional development sessions for the local authority.

I completed the Maths Specialist Teacher Training in 2012 at MMU. In 2014 I joined the teaching team at MMU. I teach on the Primary programme.  This includes the BA Primary and  PGCE programmes. I also offer both academic and personal support to students across these programmes. In addition I am a  Personal Tutor and School Based Tutor. 

I completed my MA in 2005 and I am currently on the Doctor of Education Programme.


The project that I have been developing this year looks at the experience of our first year students.  The aim of the project are:

• To gain a greater understanding of the student experience.
• To identify the needs of the students as they start their first year at university.
• To recognise ways to help students to integrate both academically and socially.
• To understand how the experiences they have help or hinder their social and academic integration.
• To use my findings to improve and inform future practice.