Leon Lloyd

About me

  • Director of Centrum Solutions
  • Studied: MBA Apprenticeship, 2020


I was already the CEO at Switch the Play when I started my studies at Manchester Met. The MBA developed my confidence and allowed me to grow skills in business critical areas, which in turn has had a positive impact on business performance. I have recently took the leap into setting up another business focusing on bespoke recruitment services.

I am currently Director of Centrum Solutions, a bespoke recruitment service provider specialising in elite transitions and my responsibilities are around strategy, business development and sales.

The skills and knowledge that I gained during my MBA at Manchester Met, allowed me to reflect on my understanding of marketing. I learnt that there are so many different layers to digital marketing and everyone needs to have some understanding of its power and its importance in this digital age we live in. I do not need to understand every business area in great depth, but I have developed an understanding in the most business-critical areas. Delegation and empowering my team to take the lead will ultimately lead to greater organisational performance and increase all of our chances of achieving our strategic aims.

During my studies, I attended some of the specialist keynote sessions where I identified the person speaking or the sector they were from would potentially move me closer to achieving my strategic aim.

I have only just graduated however; I have since gone on to gain my Mental Health First Aid qualification. I am a big believer that as leaders we always need to stretch ourselves and learning is a great way to stay agile in this ever-changing world we live in. I will certainly be enrolling on another post-graduate programme once my business is more established.


Take advantage of what is around you and remember you are only ever six introductions, at most, away from anyone in the world. Develop a plan and then network your way to meeting the people that will help you achieve that plan.


people with a can-do attitude who think innovatively and are not scared of taking on challenges.


I enjoyed the diverse backgrounds of my cohort as we all had different life experiences, but were going through the same challenges and successes together. Therefore, we collaborated and helped each other through the journey.

With the help of Joanne, Oliver, and Next Gen planners, I successfully landed my role within the Wealth Management industry. The assessment day involved potential candidates showcasing their skills and ability to a range of employers through various activities and short interviews.

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