Thursday, 8 March 2018

She Draws: She Builds

Praxxis, a feminist architectural research collective at the Manchester School of Architecture is pleased to host the screening of She Draws She Builds with RIBA NorthWest alongside many other events celebrating International Women’s Day on March 8th 2018. She Draws She Builds is a short 30 minute film which documents the experience of women architects and aims to acts as a platform to inspire young women and girls to explore architecture as a career. This Manchester screening forms part of the RIBA programme running simultaneously across multiple regions, including the London, East Midlands, Yorkshire and the North East, in celebration of International Women’s Day.

By using the feminist tactics of badge making and the sharing of knowledges PRAXXIS will also be giving away 100 great readings of architectural feminist texts as badges and a booklet. We encourage you to wear the badge, discuss the film and that the act of wearing the badge will trigger conversations about challenging perspectives in our chosen disciplines and practices.

Free -- all welcome!

For further PRAXXIS information see @praxxis_f on Twitter or email Helen Aston

For further She Draws She Builds information see @SheDrawsBuilds on twitter

For more details of Research in Arts and Humanities' International Women's Day programme, see here.

NB Later in the year, on the 5th July, the RIBA has Ethel Day, which celebrates the first woman (Ethel Mary Charles) to be a member of the RIBA. The RIBA North architecture centre in Liverpool will be showing the film then and also developing a full programme of activity around it. Details TBC.

Event contact Andy Turbine ·

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