
1. What do you like about your course?

Course content, delivery and access to true specialists make the gothic route on this degree truly engaging and rewarding! The course content and delivery has been varied and enlightening. The mix of online and in-person teaching prove really useful, especially as a part time student attempting to juggle commitments. I felt supported both by the tutors and the course librarian - the option to book a one to one session being really useful in getting to grips with accessing various resources. Staff across the unit have proved approachable and supportive - arranging both face to face and virtual meetings where requested.

The delivery and pace of course content is great. There is a balance of traditional larger texts, short stories and film across the three gothic units - with links and pointers to secondary reading being invaluable to my preparation for seminars. 

Finally, what makes this course so unique is that it is designed, written and taught by true specialists and researchers in the gothic field. It feels a privilege to know that we are working with leading researchers and champions of the gothic genre, from Walpole to today and beyond. The course feels alive - our tutors are advancing critical thinking, which is a noticeable change from the traditional secondary sources I relied on in the early 1990’s and my first degree. 

2. What were your lecturers like and how did they help you to succeed throughout your course?

Lecturers have been consistently engaging - genuine passion and knowledge for the texts makes seminar discussion natural and enjoyable. As a part time student visiting campus once a week, the two hour sessions pass far too quickly and I can often be found trying to pester tutors in the lift after class!

3. What skills do you feel you have gained/developed during your studies at Manchester Met? How do you think these will help you in your future studies or career?

Returning to study after around 28 years has brought a number of challenges which in turn have enabled me to develop new skills. Digital research and library resources were new to me and the ability to access journals and papers from across the world from my laptop has helped develop my confidence and interest in the digital world, ready for the potential of PhD study. 

Tutors have struck the right balance in terms of helping me finesse my writing style and tone whilst encouraging my ideas. This will feed into my dissertation and any PhD study or teaching work in the future. 

Find out more about MA English Studies.