Wednesday, 14 February 2018

The Erotic Cloth: Seminar and Book Launch

The Erotic Cloth seminar is programmed to coincide with the publication of the eponymous book, which explores ways in which the qualities of cloth can seduce, conceal and reveal the sensuality of the human condition. The presentations will explore the aesthetics of cloth to excite and disturb through its gendered materiality alongside the metaphorical and actual qualities of cloth as seductive, erotic, intimate and at times shocking. The seminar will discuss historical representation of cloth, artistic practice and offer an opportunity to view Vivienne Westwood clothes from the Malcolm Garrett Collection in Manchester Metropolitan University Special Collections. The Erotic Cloth published Bloomsbury Feb 2017, is coedited by Alice Kettle, Professor of Textile Arts, Manchester School of Art (MSA), and Lesley Millar, Professor of Textile Culture and Director of the International Textile Research Centre, UCA Farnham.

The event is a collaboration between University for the Creative Arts, Manchester School of Art and Research in Arts and Humanities at Manchester Met.

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Event contact: Andy Turbine ·

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