My profile


After completing a Master’s degree in Sociology at the University of Warwick, I joined Manchester Metropolitan University in November 2019. I am a Research Assistant in Mental Health working in the University’s Mental Health Research Cluster in the Faculty of Health and Education (Department of Nursing). My research interests are centered around violence in psychiatry, more specifically: self harm, the use of coercion/restrictive practices, and the intersection between health services, policing and mental health crisis and detention. I have experience working in collaboration with NHS trusts, the Restraint Reduction Network (RRN) and the British Institute for Learning Disabilities (BILD). My research methodology is mostly mixed methods but always places great value on co-production and Patient & Public Involvement (PPI). I am member of both the European Violence in Psyichiatry Research Group (EViPRG) and Fostering and Strengthening Approaches to Reducing Coercion in European Mental Health Services (FOSTREN) and have recently been accepted to represent the UKRI as a member of their Early Career Researcher Forum.

Academic and professional qualifications

MA Sociology, University of Warwick (2016-2017)

BA (Hons) Chilldhood, Youth and Education Studies,  Manchester Metropolitan University (2011-2015)

Membership of professional associations

European Violence in Psychiatry Research Group (EViPRG)