Joseph Mountain

About me

  • Director at Future Fashion Fair
  • Studied: BA (Hons) Fashion Business and Management, 2020
  • Contact me on LinkedIn

About my career

After completing my undergraduate degree at Manchester Fashion Institute in Fashion Business & Management, the first role I secured was an internship at Acne Studios in Stockholm as Menswear and Scarf fabric developer via their website.

After completing my internship, I co-founded Future Fashion Fair where I am the current director of the organisation.  As director my responsibilities entail coordinating plans for the event and the team to ensure everything is prepared. The focus of the role in the company has evolved we are looking to become a Community Interest Company seeking funding and investment opportunities to increase awareness of the project as well as to make it financially viable.

Whilst working as director for Future Fashion Fair, I am also continuing to continue my education by undertaking an MSc at Leeds University studying Textile Sustainability and Innovation. 

Fashion Business entrepreneurship and public speaking skills are the main skills I’ve developed during my degree and ones I have found the most useful in my career. However, these skills come down to confidence, which can only be fostered if you are surrounded by lecturers and mentors who provide you with the support. I found this among the staff at Manchester Fashion Institute who have made the biggest difference in cultivating those skills within me.

During my degree I went to Jaipur, India. I did a hybrid study, internship, placement where I was working with a local block printing company. Following this I then travelled to Amsterdam and worked for G-Star Raw. I think doing placements is massively important to one’s professional development as it gives students industry experience going into their final year and gives them the experience to put on their CV after graduating. Both these things give them a much higher chance of getting to the interview stage when applying for a job.

My top tip for students

Put yourself out there. Nobody is going to put it on a plate for you you’ve got to make it happen.

I’m inspired by

I am inspired by selfless people who are willing to put causes and values ahead of their own needs.

Why I love Manchester Met

I loved the whole university experience however, meeting my closest friends was the best part of it all.

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