Beth Post

About me

  • Graphic Designer at Movable Ink in California
  • MFA Graphic Design and Art Direction

About my career

My first job following my studies at Manchester Met was as a Creative and Design Associate for a non-profit based out of New York City. I received this role after working hard through networking with LinkedIn, using multiple job board resources, and continuing my freelance work, so that I was never not working and constantly learning.

Currently, I am a Graphic Designer with a tech company located in California. In this role, I work exclusively with brand design in an in-house role for all departments.

My top tip for students is

I started looking for work about 3–4 months prior to the completion of my degree, so that I could start the networking process and also get my foot in the door elsewhere. I even added a three-month internship to my plate following completion for leverage in another part of the country. However, with my visa expiring, and no potential jobs secured within the UK, I moved back to the US with several interviews set up and ready for when I returned. This helped close the gap between the end of my studies and starting full-time work.

Why I love Manchester Met

When studying at Manchester Met, I deeply enjoyed utilising a diverse mix of workshops within the Manchester School of Art — favourites being the bookbinding/letterpress, CAM, and embroidery workshops. Through my MFA program, my tutor encouraged me to constantly think outside the box in order to achieve my thesis goals, so having a variety of workshops to access allowed me to excel in my studies through interdisciplinary research and creation. This is why I picked Man Met over my other offers.

Manchester Met gave me the unique tools I needed to create an unforgettable experience and one-of-a-kind thesis project.