Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Talking about Brexit - voices from before and after the referendum

Postgraduate Research and Research and Knowledge Exchange Seminar

Date: Wednesday 27th February 2019

Time: 6pm – 7pm

Location: LT4, Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University

Tickets: Free - Available on Eventbrite: 

Dr Veronika Koller is Reader in Discourse Studies at Lancaster University. Her main research is on business discourse, health communication, and language and sexuality, but she occasionally ventures into political and religious discourse as well. A special research interest of hers is metaphor theory and analysis, as well as socio-cognitive approaches to critical discourse studies. her current projects are on a) the discourse of cancer charities, and b) discourses around 'Brexit'.

In this talk, Veronika will draw on more than 20 years of research – both her own and that of others - into the language, discourse and communication around the relationship between Britain and the EU. After a short historical overview, she will focus on the voices of politicians, the media and business, and citizens in the run-up to the 2016 referendum on Britain’s EU membership as well as on how language has been used since to talk about Brexit.

With 23 weeks to go until Britain leaves the EU, Veronika aims to take stock of the role that language played in the process and will offer a tentative outlook into the immediate and longer-term future.

Please note that this is not a talk about the politics of Brexit, but a lecture reporting on how language was used by various stakeholders on all sides of the debate.

This event is part of the Postgraduate Research and Research and Knowledge Exchange Seminar at Manchester Metropolitan University. This event is part of a series of doctoral research seminar sessions that aim to showcase the wide range of research carried out in the Department of Languages, Information and Communication in a number of thematic areas, as follows: Language, culture and society; language, communication and interaction; language teaching and learning; languages, literature and cultures; Library science and information management, and Social media, and digital cultures and journalism.The invited speaker will give a lecture which is open to the public to close the event.

Event contact: Stella Bullo ·

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