This is a repository for any resources created by members of the Centre that might be of use to others. We will continue to add to this page.

Seeking Hope

A zine created by young people who migrated to the UK as unaccompanied/separated asylum seekers (details here).


Key Stage 2 Ancient History Resources

The following resources have been developed together with Key Stage 2 (years 3–6) teachers and students to use as part of the teaching of Ancient Egypt within the primary curriculum. The packs include an information sheet for teachers, with some introductory information and resources, and an associated activity sheet to use in the classroom. For more information, or enquiries about classroom visits, please contact MCYS member Jennifer Cromwell,


Classical Association Resources

Classical Association Teaching Board

The Classical Association Teaching Board, has listed together a wide range of resources available to pupils of GCSE and A Level Classics, Ancient History, Greek, Latin and related subjects. The list also includes resources for younger children, and for teachers. For further information contact Dr April Pudsey ( who is Chair of Ancient History on the CA Teaching Board. 


Manchester Classical Association: Athena's Owls

The Manchester Classical Association is host to the Award-Winning 'Athena's Owls' project, run by Dr Kat Mawford (Manchester) and Matthew Ingham (Manchester), supported by MCYS, which provides crafts, activity and story-telling sessions for young children in public libraries in Manchester. They have made many of their materials available online for use at home. For further information contact Dr April Pudsey (, who is Chair of the Manchester Classical Association.


English (Gothic) Resources

From Chloe Germaine Buckley

Britain, Slavery and Gothic Fiction

Britain, Colonial India, and Gothic Fiction

Our Research