The Hope Group YPAR Project

This project involves the co-production of a zine that explores the UK asylum process from the perspective of young people from asylum-seeking backgrounds.

Young people who arrive as unaccompanied/separated asylum seekers must navigate multiple legal, practical and symbolic barriers to belonging in the UK. A key aspect of this is the circulation of stigmatising discourses and practices that position asylum seeking young people as simultaneously risky and at-risk, and that obscure the complexities of young people’s identities, experiences and aspirations beyond their legal status.

In this project, Dr Caitlin Nunn collaborates with members of The Children’s Society’s Hope Group to critically explore experiences and politics of the asylum process in the UK. The result in a co-produced zine that challenges dominant media representations through sharing the ideas and experiences of current and former unaccompanied/separated asylum seeking young people.‌