Applied dissertations

GMYJUP are organising applied dissertation placements for students in the Youth Justice Services across Greater Manchester on an annual basis.

Academics from Manchester Met. work with practitioners to understand local concerns, which are then addressed via research-based placements of students in Greater Manchester’s youth justice services. This practice enables the application of student resource to address real issues while also providing our students with the opportunity to gain valuable workplace experience.


Graham Smyth, Senior Lecturer in Criminology at Man Met., said:

“We think these applied dissertations can be a real win-win: a great experience and real world research for the students and for youth justice services, answers to questions they want to explore but haven’t the time”

Susan Scott, Team Manager at Stockport Youth Offending Service, said:

“Our dissertation student was asked to do research on an arts trail project we were delivering. She provided me with a very well written and balanced piece of research that I have been able to use for evidence of both positive and negative outcomes. She highlighted some issues that we will use to help with planning future projects. We had funding from the heritage lottery and have been able to use Chloe’s piece for this and as a point of discussion in team meetings around the usefulness of running arts programs. It was great to hear the feedback from the young people who attended the project and how positively they felt about it”

These arrangements are now entering their fourth year. The research topics have been varied, and include:


In future years we are exploring the possibility of researching a common topic across a number of YJS’s which would allow a cross-GM view of issues of concern to youth justice services. 


You can see some examples of prior applied dissertation projects below.