Usama Darwish

An investigation of the impact that engaging teachers in research activity has for teacher voice, identity and empowerment. (PhD)


My background is in English language and literature. I did MA research in English and PhD research in Drama. Currently, I am doing research that culminates in a PhD in Education.

My study involves two groups of teachers engaged in research: one group are Multi Academy Trust teachers who are doing accredited research at Manchester Met and the other is a group of Teaching School Alliance teachers who are doing unaccredited research in conjunction with Manchester Met.  

My study is ethnographic, done over a two-year observation, with interviews as well as document analysis, focus groups, and formal and informal conversations with teachers.

I wanted to investigate this topic as it was new to me and the idea of teachers as researchers is very close to my heart, as I spent all my professional life in teaching. I want to trace the research journey of teachers and report on it, trying to make sense of the significance of research to them, on all fronts.  On this basis, it is the nature of the topic that made me interested in investigating it and see what results I can come up with, hopefully leading to a positive outcome that has the potential of benefiting teachers and learners.

I have already noticed how schools are buzzing, enjoying their engagement in research - teachers are always talking about what they have read, what is new and what they can implement in their schools, recommending other teachers to read a particular paper, and so on. It is fantastic to see teachers being empowered by virtue of their engagement in research.  


The Engagement of Teachers in Research: a study of two collaborative partnerships between academics and multi-school groups. Student Conference, Manchester Met (June 2019)