Christina Dumitriu Jackson

Christina was named  Apprentice of the Year in the Health, Medical and Social Care category at the Multicultural Apprenticeship Awards 2023. She says: “This award reiterates that people like me – young, black, mixed-heritage women – can be successful without the traditional route of going to university. The award champions celebrate the apprenticeship route and is truly inspirational for the next generation of children.”


I grew up with two hard-working and inspirational immigrant parents. I was raised in a predominantly white area where my brother and I were subject to racism. When sharing my aspirations with people, I was told to ‘be more realistic’. But at home, I had a supportive network who encouraged me to stay resilient and persevere. Facing these challenges and barriers so young served as an opportunity for personal growth.


I always had a love and curiosity for science. At 16 I volunteered in my local care home and was interested in residents’ conditions, leading me to research how to better understand and communicate with them. This passion for science was further explored through my digital medicine EPQ, undertaken during the pandemic. As a student and key worker, I was fascinated by the positive impact scientists can have.


On AstraZeneca’s early careers website, I discovered science apprenticeships and thought it was too good to be true. After completing work experience in the NHS, I realised I loved learning actively and gaining first-hand experience. This further encouraged me to choose an apprenticeship so I could simultaneously apply and relate my studies into the industry. After hearing about AstraZeneca and connecting with my now managers at the assessment day - I realised this is where I wanted to be.


There was pressure to accept my Russell Group university offers. Apprenticeships were not considered for science pathways. My parents also encouraged the traditional university route. They were concerned as they didn’t know anybody on the apprenticeships pathway and were set on me pursuing a pharmacy degree at university. When I mentioned ‘apprenticeship,’ especially without degree in front of it, my teachers, parents, and peers were confused as to why I was looking elsewhere when I had been accepted to top UK universities. My parents had the ‘traditional’ view that university was the only option for success in the world of medicine.

I decided to take the risk and I haven’t looked back. As a Laboratory Scientist degree apprentice, the first-hand experience and professional and personal development in the workplace is invaluable. I love working in science and sharing my passion for STEM. I thrive as a scientist, and I am part of the Cambridge Peptide Chemistry group in Discovery sciences at AstraZeneca.


Inspired by my journey, my dad has become an MBA apprentice in the NHS - something he would have never imagined two years ago. He saw me deviate from my peers attending university, transition into work and my passion for apprenticeships. I have also interacted with and mentored numerous students interested in the unconventional apprenticeship pathway.


Promoting STEM careers, apprenticeships and inclusivity is important to me. I am a STEM Ambassador, part of the Apprentice Ambassador network for the South East, a member of the Manchester Met Apprentice Society, a Manchester Met Apprentice Champion, on AstraZeneca’s Apprentice Committee, and subgroup lead of the Apprentice Mental Health Group. I am the first and only early careers individual in a UK company-wide employee resource group focused on racial equity. I am part of the This Is Me BPD (Biopharmaceutical Development) where I support the development of an internal e-learning course. I am also very proud to have been invited to join the Apprentice Science Forum, working closely with The Science Council, who I will represent at the Apprentice Inclusion and Diversity Panel.


I noticed a gap between apprentices and senior leaders’ interaction, and I took action to change this. I am extremely proud of co-leading ‘The Apprentice Showcase,’ a UK-wide internal event where senior leaders and apprentices were paired to discuss achievements in their respective departments. Since then, we built a network to raise the profile of apprentices and their impact in the business hosting multiple consecutive events accessible to apprentices from across the business.

Currently, I am leading a social media campaign to promote inclusivity in STEM to eliminate stereotypes, provide support and education. I have attended numerous career events at schools and during National Chemistry Week I presented to 700 students virtually, and then developed the idea of supporting students on social media to reach as many students as possible.

Recently, I was successful in being selected from hundreds of applicants to attend the One Young World Summit in Belfast in October 2023.


I am currently leading an innovative and exciting research project to support AstraZeneca’s sustainability goals by investigating substitutes for a harmful solvent to reduce our carbon footprint.

The team mainly consists of experienced chemists. As an 18-year-old who had limited access to school laboratories due to the pandemic, I experienced imposter syndrome when I started. It was challenging to adapt to a different environment and ways of working, however, I maintained a positive attitude.


I like to dream big and love to deliver and make a positive impact with my work. I want to support and be an example for younger students who have been told their dreams and aspirations are out of reach, encouraging them to bring their bright and diverse ideas into the world. I have not looked back since starting my apprenticeship, I am so grateful for the endless opportunities, and the invaluable relationships I have built. If you’re unsure about doing an apprenticeship, my advice is to take the leap and go for it! There is a huge and vibrant apprentice community who offer endless support, please do reach out to us if you have any questions.

Find out more about the Laboratory Scientist Degree Apprenticeship.