My profile


Sean Brophy, a Senior Lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan Business School with previous roles at the Wharton School (UPenn) and as manager of the ERDF-funded Greater Manchester AI Foundry, is a labour economist specializing in human capital, employment migration, and graduate labour market outcomes. Elected a Fellow of both the Royal Geographical Society and the Royal Society of Arts, his work has attracted attention from prominent media outlets, including The Financial Times and Press Association. He has also developed executive education programs for leading firms such as Google, Twitter, and KPMG.

In the welter of conflicting fanaticisms, one of the few unifying forces is scientific truthfulness, by which I mean the habit of basing our beliefs upon observations and inferences as impersonal, and as much divested of local and temperamental bias, as is possible for human beings.
Bertrand Russell

Research outputs

  • Journal articles

    Brophy, S. (2024) 'Ethnicity and UK graduate migration: An identity economics approach.' Journal of Regional Science,

    Brophy, S. 'Ethnic Minority Underachievement in UK Higher Education: An Analysis of Nationally Representative Data Provides Little Support for the Intersectionality Thesis.' Studies in Higher Education,

    Christie, F., Brophy, S., scurry, T. 'Subject of study and the subjective labour market outcomes of UK graduates.' Studies in Higher Education,

    Jones, K., Christie, F., Brophy, S. (2022) 'Getting in, getting on, going further: exploring the role of employers in the Degree Apprentice to Graduate transition.' British Educational Research Journal, 49(1) pp. 93-109.

  • Conference papers

    Brophy, S.R. (2019) 'Perception of Place: Its Role in the Attraction and Retention of Graduates and their Human Capital to Greater Manchester.'

    Brophy, S., Christie, F., Scurry, T. (2022) 'Moving beyond objective evaluations of successful graduate outcomes: Insights from ‘new’ Graduate Voice data..' In SRHE Conference 2022, Mobilities In Higher Education. Online, 5/12/2022 - 9/12/2022.

    Brophy, S. (2022) 'Interregional migration and job satisfaction of UK graduates.' In Regional Science Association International: British & Irish Section: Early Career Colloquium. Online, 4/11/2022 - 4/11/2022.

    Crockett, K., Brophy, S., Attwood, S., Monks, P., Webb, D. (2022) 'From ethical Artificial Intelligence principles to practice: a case study of university-industry collaboration.' In IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence 2022 - IEEE IJCNN. Italy, 18/7/2022 - 23/7/2022. IEEE,

    Brophy, S. (2019) 'Graduates, Human Capital and the Northern Powerhouse: the attraction and retention of graduates to Greater Manchester.' In Sean Brophy. London, 15/11/2019 -

    Brophy, S. (2018) 'Edu-tainment, fundraising, or industry collaboration? Customised executive education and its impact on the missions of university-based business schools.' In Society of Research into Higher Education. Newport, Wales,

  • Presentations

    Brophy, S. Driving the local digital revolution: introducing the Greater Manchester Cyber and AI Foundries. [Presentation] Digital City Festival, Manchester,

    Brophy, S. Ethnicity & UK Graduate Migration: Can Identity Economics Help Us Understand Ethnic Minority Decisions About Where to Live & Work?. [Presentation] The University of Manchester,

    Brophy, S. (2021) Using sensitive secondary data: the case of using human microdata in the study of human capital migration. [Presentation] Manchester,19/8/2021.