Employment mentoring

As part of our pledge to promote opportunities for staff to engage in volunteering, fundraising and other projects we took part in an employment and mentoring volunteer scheme through Business in the Community’s ‘Ready to Work’ programme. 

In January 2017, Manchester Metropolitan staff from the Business Support & Improvement Team volunteered their time to support members of the public with a homeless background get back into work. This included interview and CV writing support prior to a two-week work placement in order to gain the vital experience needed to get on the career ladder.

Carmen Shallcross, who took part in the scheme said, "We sometimes forget how easy it is to help people. It was so refreshing to chat to people about their aspirations and see how thankful they were of any advice and tips. We spent a long time helping one person out with her CV and I really hope she gets the job she wants. I would encourage anyone to take up this volunteer opportunity."

Business in the Community offers a range of volunteer opportunities that staff can get involved in including pre-placement support, advice and guidance at their weekly Ready for Work club or even becoming a long-term Job Coach.

 If you would like to find out more about this initiative, or share your volunteering and fundraising ideas please contact bigchange@mmu.ac.uk.

Ambassador profile

“After attending Big Change Ambassador training and learning more about the issues associated with traditional street giving, we changed our approach to collecting for the homeless. We were all prepared to deliver Christmas shoe-boxes as part of a local radio station appeal, instead we delivered to the charities and within the guidelines suggested by Street Support. 

Myself and other members of the Residential Life team have also offered to volunteer services to support homeless people with training and mentoring for writing CVs, applying for jobs and approaching interviews.”

Paula Dalziel, Residential Life Manager