
10 Simple Tips to Working More Productively at University

By Ben Garwood
Date published:
11 Apr 2024
Reading time:
4 minutes
Helping you to study smarter
A woman sat on a sofa with headphones on, working on her laptop

You’ve made it to the final part of Semester two, and with assessment season coming up, it’s time to give it one last push to nail your remaining assignments and exams. But if you are struggling to get into a productive mindset, we are here to help. 

Follow our simple tips on how to work more productively, and soon you’ll be able to plan and manage your workload with ease. We guarantee you’ll feel so much better for it. 

Top 10 Tips to being more productive  

1. Create a work routine  

When it comes to studying, finding a routine that works for you is important. Not only does it give your day some structure, but it also helps to reduce distractions. Try to study at set times of the day. This will help you to form a habit that will get your brain into the right frame of mind for working more productively. 

2. Study skills support 

If you need some extra support to get the most of your study time, we have the answer.  

Sharpen your skills on one of our academic and study skills workshops and courses. Options include critical thinking, academic writing, creating presentations and revision strategies – all of which will help you study smarter and not harder. 

3. Set achievable goals  

Setting yourself a range of achievable goals is the perfect way to motivate yourself. Break bigger tasks down into bite-sized chunks and create a daily to-do list. This will help keep you on track, and it will feel so satisfying when you tick tasks off your list. Remember, don’t set yourself too many goals – you will run the risk of not reaching them and burning yourself out.  

4. Make detailed plans and stick to them   

Use your phone calendar or get yourself a diary so you can plan, plan, plan. Include your daily to-do lists and any monthly deadlines/events etc., and you’ll soon start to feel more prepared and productive.   

Why not check out our guide to the best time management apps for students.  

5. Find your happy space   

This might seem like a no-brainer but where you work can make all the difference to your productivity. You know what environment works best for you so find suitable spaces on campus or in your accommodation where you will be able to concentrate and not get distracted. Mix it up too – don’t just study in the same place all the time.   

6. Tackle the hardest task first

It can be tempting to start the easier tasks first and leave the most challenging one till last. But tackling the least enjoyable task first can make you feel like you’ve achieved something and help you fly through your other tasks.  

7. Work in time blocks 

Break your day into 60–90-minute blocks. Assign a task from your to-do list to each of the blocks so it links back to your goals. You’ll soon see your productivity start to improve and your sense of achievement will give you that boost to continue.   

8. Take a break!   

When we say break, we mean break. Taking breaks will help you stay happy, healthy and avoid burnout. Pull yourself away from your work and do something completely unrelated. Go for a walk, do some exercise, or have a cup of tea and chat with friends. Do whatever it takes to help you switch off for a bit.   

9. Avoid social media while studying  

You promise yourself that you’re going to watch five minutes of content on Tik Tok, then an hour later you’ve fallen into the worm hole of never-ending videos. This can really pull you out of the zone and it can take you a few minutes to try and refocus. Just before you hit the books, turn off all your app notifications. This will stop you from getting distracted and help you be more productive.  

10. Keep active and eat well   

Make sure you look after yourself by eating well and keeping your body moving. Follow our tips on cooking quick and easy meals on a student budget. You can also book onto one of the many free sports and fitness sessions on campus each week.