News | Monday, 5th December 2016

University launches research-led think tank

MetroPolis to bridge the gap between research and policy makers

MetroPolis to bridge the gap between research and policy makers
MetroPolis to bridge the gap between research and policy makers

MANCHESTER Metropolitan University has established a high-profile initiative designed to bridge the gap between world-leading research and policy makers.

MetroPolis is a research-led think tank that will amplify policy relevant research whilst building the networks and reach of staff who want to increase their policy impact.

MetroPolis is co-led by Professor of Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Chris Fox, Sam Gray, from the Office of Research and Knowledge Exchange, and External Affairs Advisor Michael Taylor. Metropolis is funded through the University’s Strategic Opportunities Fund.

The Chancellor’s Fellowship Scheme

This launch coincides with the announcement of an exciting opportunity for researchers who are committed to accelerating their policy impact. The Chancellor’s Fellowships provide funding, support and connections for staff who want to take up placements in organisations such as government departments, think tanks, charities and other commissioning bodies. If researchers have ideas on the ways in which their research can be translated into practice MetroPolis will enable them to facilitate progress.

The University’s Chancellor Lord Mandelson has given his support to the initiative saying: “The fellowships are a great idea. The University has outstanding research in many areas that are relevant to public policy. This programme will underpin improvements in the delivery of effective public services. I am very much looking forward to seeing the impact of these fellowships on policy development that will benefit the economy and society.”

Policy Training Sessions

The team behind MetroPolis has arranged a series of training sessions on how policy making works in practice. Sessions on evidence-based policy making and generating policy impact are designed to provide the practical hints and tips that are needed to translate research effectively.

Networking and Events

MetroPolis runs regular networking sessions and can help to organise policy-related events around themes connected to research.

Full details and regular updates are on the website at: and on Twitter @mcrmetropolis.

To find out more about the Chancellor’s Fellowship Scheme, in the first instance contact Emily Goodier:

Training sessions will be listed at:

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