About us

About our research

We explore migration, the experiences of migrants and the impact on the communities in which they live and work.

We approach migration as a total social phenomenon – a very personal experience, but also one that has social, political, legal, cultural and economic impacts that are felt locally, nationally and globally.

Our researchers have expertise in the integration of migrants in post-Brexit UK, gender aspects, refugee studies and labour market migration. We develop and share knowledge to help identify issues and ways to tackle them.

Our aims are to:

  • produce innovative, quality research to inform academic debates, policymaking and community-based initiatives
  • connect communities through research - creating an information and networking hub for researchers, practitioners and community members working on migration-related issues
  • offer quality teaching to our undergraduate and postgraduate students based on world-leading research and a curriculum that reflects diverse cultures and knowledge systems

We have partnerships with world-leading research groups specialising in migration studies, such as the Migration and Families Network​ – an international forum for debate and knowledge-sharing.

We also collaborate with organisations and practitioners working day-to-day with migrants and migrant-background communities.

Our links with the Global Studies Association UK strengthens our teaching in global studies – a core component of the sociology and criminology programme. PhD students in migration studies can also benefit from links to institutions such as the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa.

Meet the team

See contact details, publications history, specialisms and more.

Research themes

We focus on:

  • migration studies and approaches in global studies, building on theoretical perspectives and new directions
  • typologies of mobilities, family migration, life stage and gender aspects
  • migrant work and economic integration, skilled international mobilities, entrepreneurship and diaspora studies
  • refugees studies including displacement, asylum, resettlement and integration
  • immigration and ethnic diversity in labour market integration in the UK
  • child-centred approached to migration
  • creative and collaborative methods
  • decolonising knowledge production and flows within migration studies
  • citizenship, integration and belonging in policies and practice

Selected projects