University success at Carbon Literacy Awards

Helping students and staff to make a difference on climate change

University staff with their awards

University staff with their awards

The University’s commitment to making a positive impact on climate change was celebrated at the recent Carbon Literacy Awards.

The Environment and Carbon Literacy teams received four awards at the ceremony, which included the Division of Geography and Environmental Management receiving the prestigious Carbon Literacy Training Organisation award.

Dr Rachel Dunk, Principal Lecturer, said: “It’s fantastic to see the hard work and dedication of so many colleagues being recognised at the Carbon Literacy Awards.

“Our journey in developing the carbon literacy programme at Manchester Metropolitan started in 2015 and we have achieved so much in this short space of time.

“As well as training our students and staff members on the positive difference we can all make towards climate change, we are now also holding training sessions and sharing our expertise with external organisations, including Manchester City Council.

“Being recognised as one of the leading organisations in the North West in carbon literacy is something we are very proud of and I’m looking forward to seeing the impact we can make to our local communities.”


Both Rachel and colleague Jane Mork, Senior Research Assistant, were also recognised individually at the awards ceremony, becoming the first Carbon Literacy Consultants across the University sector.

Jane said: “Being one of only two – including Rachel – recognised Carbon Literacy Consultants in the university sector is a tremendous honour and is a great testament to the dedication Manchester Metropolitan has to making a positive difference to climate change.

“At the recent Greater Manchester Sustainability Summit, the University pledged its support to become a carbon-neutral campus by 2038 and to eradicate the use of single-use plastics.

“The University really continues to be sector-leading on these issues and if colleagues or students would like to find out more about the impact we can all make around climate change, I would encourage them to take part in our award-winning carbon literacy training.”

For more information about the work of the Carbon Literacy and Environment teams, sign up to the next carbon literacy training sessions at

For more information, contact the team at

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