My profile


I’m an Experiential Learning Tutor with Rise - Manchester Met’s award-winning space for experiential learning in the extended curriculum. Along with designing, delivering and curating innovative learning experiences, we also administer the accreditation framework that enables students to enhance their degree outcomes through Rise. 

Within the Rise programme, I specifically look after two key areas: Volunteering and Service Learning, and also our Self Effectiveness strand. I am really interested in supporting students to build their confidence through live projects and opportunities where they take leadership roles, and better understand their personal value in spaces where the can grow and learn. I am particularly passionate about Rise’s Effectively YOU programme, which encourages students to build confidence and positive energy around their experiences of university, their learning, development, and to better understand their personal values and skills.  

I am currently undertaking my dissertation for an MA in HE with UTA at Man Met, exploring concepts around value added and educational gain in relation to the project work I manage and the students I work closely with.  

My key link Faculty is Arts and Humanities, and I have long history working across the faculty with previous roles in Art School Outreach and faculty Student Enrichment. I am keen to hear from anyone within the faculty who would like to talk about the work I do or Rise in general. Please do get in touch to see how we might work together, design professional development opportunities, and build routes for our students into Rise.  

Excited to continue building relationships across the university and look forward to hearing from you!