My profile



Vicky worked in the criminal justice system for 15 years before joining Manchester Met. She was a probation service officer before becoming a solicitor specialising in criminal defence work. She currently teaches on the LLB but has also taught on the LPC.


Criminal Law, The Criminal Justice System, Professional Skills

Academic and Professional Qualifications

BA Hons, PGDipL, PGDip. Legal Practice, PGCert in Academic Practice, LLM (Legal Practice), Solicitor (non-practising), FHEA.

Other Academic Service

School academic lead for student support and engagement. Unit leader for Professional Skills and Environment, joint unit leader for Legal Professionalism and Ethics.

Research and Publications

Vicky is passionate about wellbeing and the student experience,and empowering students to use their skills to enhance their career. She has written book chapters ( due for publication late 2023) regarding personal tutoring and skills.